site in the works
please bear with me
I am sorry, I do not offer scheduled sessions online at this time but please do contact me
if you have an emergency,
if you're in a pickle, going through rough times and experiencing emotional turmoil, needing to release some heavy emotions, unwanted relationships or situations, departed dear ones or beloved pets, hurting, divorcing, moving, needing to know a bit more about a person you just met, looking for answers to your Whys, etc, or maybe just feeling weird or alone and need someone to talk to (I know those shoes)... please do reach out.
I also teach.
I would love to show you, or rather help you remember, how to See beyond the visible.
I use simple language that even a kid can understand.
And lots of practice..
​Beware of labels and language.
Language can be a manipulation tool.
There is so much Self Help and New Age material out there that could endlessly keep you in a a loop.
Use discernment.
You have all the tools you need. Look within.
Truths are simple and right under our noses.
​Let go and let in.
Love, peace and pets,
(not your regular guide)
(I do not offer scheduled sessions at this time, I am sorry, I only offer assistance with emergencies.)

If you have learnt or achieved something through connecting with me
and wish to make a donation,
thank you, I am grateful.